Officials Plan to Establish Fund for Dredging (USA)

The Marine Fisheries Committee has examined the possibility of securing a state funding source dedicated to dredging inlets and waterways along the coast, on Thursday in Raleigh, reports StarNews Online.

State Sen. Harry Brown, R-Onslow, told the Marine Fisheries Committee that federal dredging dollars are drying up and that the state must find money to keep inlets open for fishermen and other boaters.

State Rep. Pat McElraft, R-Carteret, made a suggestion according to which marine fuel tax revenues could be used for dredging.

Rep. Danny McComas, R-New Hanover, said he agreed that dredging funding should be addressed by the Legislature.

The Marine Fisheries Committee is a group of lawmakers meeting in between legislative sessions to explore various coastal issues, from the controversial gamefish proposal to dredging funding.


Dredging Today Staff, March 2, 2012