Australia: “Port Frederick” Arrives at Mooloolaba Harbour

Mooloolaba boaties welcomed news of the dredge Port Frederick’s return this weekend, Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson said today.

Maritime Safety Queensland has contracted the Port Frederick at a cost of $400,000 to clear the dangerous sand shoal which has caused problems for commercial and recreational boaties trying to enter the Mooloolaba Harbour.

Delays were experienced when the Port Frederick sustained damage to both propellers when a freak wave picked it up and dumped it against the sand bar on April 17.

“Recent good weather and calm conditions has enabled the smaller “Saibai” to dredge a channel in the sand bar for the safe passage of vessels at the mouth of the Mooloolah River,” Ms Simpson said.

“Now that it has been repaired and returned to site, the larger Port Frederick dredge will be able to remove the rest of the sand bar.”


Dredging Today Staff, May 21, 2012;