Australia: WBDDP Receives National Support

WBDDP Receives National Support

A poll covering the entire East Coast of Australia asking people if they support dredging the Gladstone harbour for industry development has received an overwhelming yes.

The poll conducted by Newspoll Market Research surveyed 17,311 people asking if they are aware and if they support Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (WBDDP) currently underway in the Gladstone harbour.

Among those aware of the project to extend Gladstone port, 49% said they are in favour while 29% said they were against the project.

GPC Chairman Ian Brusasco said for the last three decades, the expansion of port facilities and other industries has been planned to maintain a balance of industrial development, protecting the natural environment and continuing as a sustainable fishing harbour.

“While dredging has occurred since the 1920’s, the Western Basin Dredging and Development Project will constitute the most significant expansion of the Gladstone port’s capabilities since commercial activities began,” Mr Brusasco said.

The Newspoll Market Research survey revealed people were in favour of the WBDDP due to the economy, jobs, trade and infrastructure.

“This poll gives confirmation the Australian people support the expansion of Gladstone port facilities and shows the commitment GPC has in protecting the health of the environment and marine life in the harbour,” Mr Brusasco added.


Dredging Today Staff, June 5, 2012; Image: westernbasinportdevelopment