DMR: More Restoration Work for Deer Island (USA)

Dredge material from the State Port at Gulfport will be used to help restore Deer Island, according to

Plans are underway to create another 50 acres of marshland near the eastern tip of the island.

The main goal of the ongoing restoration work is to return the island to its 1850s footprint.

“Currently putting some dredge material back into the project to bring the elevations up. The idea there is to try and grow more marsh in the interior of the project,” the state Department of Marine Resources’s George Ramseur said.

“We’ve got material coming in now. There will be some more material coming in the next couple of months. We hope to have this project back to sort of its design stage, as it was before Katrina,” he concluded.


Dredging Today Staff, June 13, 2012;