Malaysia: Rajang River Dredging Brings Benefits for Kerto Island

The shoreline of Kerto Island ‘expanded’ by more than 30 acres after silt from the Rajang riverbed was dredged to fill up the extended line, reports

610,000 cubic metres of silt had been dredged in the half-year project.

The value of the project was approximately  RM9.698 million.

Kerto Island dredging was completed on June 7.

The extended shoreline now remains the property of the state government. When more funds come in, we shall continue with the dredging of the other river bottle necks, possibly at Kwong Hua or Tanjung Kunyit.” said Drainage and Irrigation Department (Sibu) head Ting Sing Kwong.


Dredging Today Staff, June 26, 2012