EPA: Meeting on Eastern Long Island Sound Dredged Material Sites (USA)

Business & Finance

Meeting on Eastern Long Island Sound Dredged Material

EPA has released a Notice of Intent to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to evaluate the potential designation of one or more dredged material disposal sites in Eastern Long Island Sound, and will host a public meeting in Groton, Conn. on Wednesday, Nov. 14.

The Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) is being developed with the input of other federal and state “cooperating agencies” and a wide range of stakeholders from the states of New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. The SEIS will update and build on the analyses that were conducted for the 2005 Long Island Sound Environmental Impact Statement that supported the designation of the Central and Western Long Island Sound disposal sites. As EPA works on the SEIS there will be numerous opportunities for public review and input throughout the entire process.

Next week’s public meeting will present EPA’s plan to proceed with this work and will be an opportunity for members of the public to provide input. The meeting details are listed below:

Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm, registration will begin at 3:30 pm.

Location: University of Connecticut Avery Point

Academic Building 308

1084 Shennecossett Road, Groton CT 06340.


Press Release, November 9, 2012