The Netherlands: Deltares Hosts Delft Software Days

Business & Finance

Deltares Hosts Delft Software Days

The Delft Software Days got underway on Monday 19 November. This event, held at Deltares, offers twelve days of presentations, workshops and courses on software packages in the areas of water, soils/subsurface and infrastructure.

Software users and modellers from all over the world – more than 30 countries in total – are in Delft to meet each other and exchange know-how. Many experts, including those from Deltares, are presenting the latest software developments, such as making more and more software freely available (or ‘open’).

At least 3000 people are active in open source communities and have daily access to software codes they can use and develop even further. Last year, the Deltares software package Delft3D (to model rivers and oceans) went open source. The latest news about this software will be presented during the Delft Software Days.

The Delft Software Days, an event organised by Deltares together with UNESCO-IHE and TU Delft, is being held for the second time. Deltares software is used in more than 120 countries worldwide.


Press Release, November 23, 2012