USA: City of Bristol Seeks Corps Permit to Stabilize Two River Banks

Business & Finance

City of Bristol Seeks Corps Permit to Stabilize Two River Banks

The city of Bristol is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District to conduct work in waters of the United States in conjunction with stabilizing two river banks in Bristol, Conn., damaged by a storm in 2011.

The proposed work includes the discharge of fill material to stabilize two river banks that were severelydamaged during Hurricane Irene in 2011. Flood waters continue to cause erosion of the banks resulting in bank failure and downstream sedimentation. Stabilizing the banks would also mitigate future erosion that has the potential to impact Connecticut Route 72 due to its close proximity to the site.

The work will stabilize approximately 310 linear feet of Pequabuck River bank, along both banks (a total of 620 linear feet) located at 201 Terryville Road in Bristol.

The scope of the proposed project includes excavation of loose material from the bank and streambed, followed by the placement of geotextile fabric, gravel, and rip rap to stabilize the bank against flood waters.

The proposed project calls for the temporary placement of fill material within the floodway in order to provide water control and isolate work areas within the stream during construction. The project includes the placement of rock weirs to enhance fish habitat through the stream reach.

The application for the federal permit was filed by the city of Bristol with the Corps in compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates the discharge or fill of material in U.S. waters, including wetlands.


Press Release, January 17, 2013