USA: Congresswoman to Lead Energy and Water Subcommitte

Congresswoman Kaptur has secured the ranking member position on the Energy and Water Subcommittee of House Appropriations.

Congresswoman Kaptur called the subcommittee position “a good fit” for Ohio’s Ninth Congressional District, which stretches along the Lake Erie coast from Cleveland to Toledo.

Among other areas, the subcommittee has jurisdiction over:

-Renewable energy initiatives nationally;

-Dredging activities at the nation’s ports, including Lake Erie;

-University research through the Department of Energy.

I am excited about the potential to help Northern Ohio create new jobs and new opportunity,” Kaptur said.

From wind energy to shale gas, the Energy and Water Subcommittee can play a positive role in achieving energy independence. I believe our region has an important role to play in that crucial mission.

The subcommittee appropriates funding for:

-U.S. Department of Energy;

-Civil activities of the Department of Defense;

-Army Corps of Engineers (dredging at sites along Ohio’s Lake Erie coastline);

-Department of the Interior; and,

-Agencies such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Appalachian Regional Commission, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

The chairman of the Energy & Water Subcommittee is Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ).

Kaptur retains her spot on the powerful Appropriations Defense Subcommittee and also landed a spot on the Financial Services subcommittee.

Congresswoman Kaptur will not serve on the Budget Committee during this Congress.


Press Release, January 17, 2013