USA: AAPA Program to Focus on Port Technology Innovations

Business & Finance

AAPA Program to Focus on Port Technology Innovations

The American Association of Port Authorities’ (AAPA) 2013 Port Technology Seminar and Vendor Gallery in Jacksonville, Fla., May 14-16, will not only showcase what’s new in high-tech port operations and management, but will also feature some of the more prickly challenges, such as thwarting cyber threats and governing use of fast-changing mechanical and digital technology.

“Today’s modern seaports incorporate all manner of fascinating new technology, equipment and applications to keep cargo and passengers moving safely and efficiently, and to ensure smooth operations,” said Kurt Nagle, AAPA president and CEO. “However, nearly every innovation comes with challenges that must be addressed, policies that must be created, threats that must be overcome and lessons that need to be shared. This program will focus on many of the issues revolving around technological change and provide valuable ‘lessons learned’ from a host of industry experts across the IT spectrum.”

Session topics include titles such as, “IT Strategic Planning and Governance, Auditing & Controls,” “Mobility: Management, Apps & Policies,” “Cyber Security” and “Prognosticating the Future of IT Trends at Seaports.”

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Press Release, March 4, 2013