Kongsberg: 170 Delegates Attend FEMME 2013 (Norway)

Business & Finance

170 Delegates Attend FEMME 2013

Organised by Kongsberg Maritime, FEMME is the Forum for Exchange of Mutual Multibeam Experiences.

This biennial conference brings together a diverse delegation of Kongsberg Maritime multibeam users, who regard it as one of the most rewarding events of its kind on the calendar. FEMME is a truly global affair – this year 170 people attended from 27 countries.

The main conference was opened by Arnt-Helge Olsen, Vice President Subsea Sales at Kongsberg Maritime on Wednesday 17th April and the audience was treated to an interesting opening address by Larry Mayer, Professor and Director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/NOAA-UNH Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire.

“More data and better data quality will have a great impact on the data flow and the production line from logging to finished products,” explains Helge Uhlen, Product Sales Manager, Kongsberg Maritime. “Amazing results were presented, from pipeline inspection and shallow waters surveys to deep waters survey from different research projects.”


Press Release, April 25, 2013