USA: Senate Committee Visits Coastal Ports

Business & Finance

Senate Committee Visits Coastal Ports

The state Senate’s Ports and Marine Resources Committee visited coastal ports last week, committee chairman Sen. Brice Wiggins said.

The group inspected Bienville Port in Hancock County and the state Port of Gulfport. After that, they were in Jackson County to tour the Port of Pascagoula.

Every year we travel to Jackson for the Port of Pascagoula Night event, which is hosted by the maritime community and the port,” port Director Mark McAndrews said. “Visual displays of port operations at the public and private terminals and maritime industries are prevalent throughout the reception hall. However, having the opportunity to host our legislators here is ideal so that they can see, first-hand, activities at the port and the major impact of the deepwater channels.”

The visiting legislators viewed activities at the public and private marine terminals and shipbuilding operations, which are responsible for more than 18,000 direct jobs, more than $1.4 billion in earnings and $100 million in tax revenues annually.

They observed a federal maintenance dredging operation in the Pascagoula channel and the dredged material management site under construction in the channel.

Legislators on the tour include Sens. Brice Wiggins, Josh Harkins, Tommy Gollott, Philip Moran, John Polk and Michael Watson.


Press Release, May 9, 2013