USA: Officials Push for Saginaw River Dredging

Business & Finance

Officials Push for Saginaw River Dredging

Sens. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, both D-Mich., and Rep. Dan Kildee, D-MI05, wrote to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to advocate for emergency funding for the Saginaw River.

Their letter follows:

This spring, heavy rains and flooding in the Saginaw, Michigan, area have resulted in significant sedimentation in the Saginaw River and Bay, severely restricting shipping to vital businesses in the Saginaw area. Goods shipped on the river include coal that powers electric generators, cement and aggregate that is needed to complete the I-75 highway resurfacing project, and limestone, potash, grain and other raw materials to supply businesses along the river.

Specifically, the storms resulted in shoaling of the Saginaw River turning basin, reducing its depth from 20 feet to 12-13 feet. This change in depth means that larger vessels cannot get up to businesses in Saginaw, and smaller vessels have to back up the river, making for dangerous navigation. The Corps has indicated they are looking for $1.2 million to address the emergency dredging requirements of the Saginaw River Turning Basin. We strongly support this emergency funding, and we ask that you act urgently to ensure that emergency funds are allocated to the Saginaw River project.”


Press Release, June 10, 2013