Full Steam Ahead for Melbourne Port Capacity Project (Australia)

Full Steam Ahead for Melbourne Port Capacity Project

Minister for Ports David Hodgett today announced four appointments to the Port of Melbourne Corporation Board, as the Port Capacity Project surges full steam ahead.

Mr Hodgett said he was pleased to renew appointments for Deputy Chair James Cain and Director David Cranwell, and appoint new Directors Alice Williams and Jim Marshall.

I’m pleased to make these strategic appointments at a critical time for the Port of Melbourne Corporation as it delivers the largest port transformation project in Victoria’s history,” Mr Hodgett said.

“I have great faith that Mr Cain and Mr Cranwell will continue to provide the leadership needed to help navigate the massive undertaking that will see the Port of Melbourne maintain its competitive edge as Australia’s largest container and general cargo port.

I would also like to welcome new board members Alice Williams and Jim Marshall who not only bring enthusiasm to the board, but also a wealth of experience.

Mr Cain has extensive experience as a management consultant for property and major capital works companies in the public and private sectors, including 12 years with Lend Lease Corporation and five years as Executive Director of Major Projects Victoria.

Also renewing his position Mr Cranwell has been a long serving member since the inaugural board formed in 2003 and continues to make a valuable contribution drawing on his senior management experience in logistics with both Mayne Group Ltd and TNT Ltd and extensive maritime experience with Australian National Line.

“Ms Williams and Mr Marshall complete this round of board appointments, with Ms Williams bringing over 25 years of senior management and board level experience in funds management, investment banking, corporate and government sectors. Mr Marshall draws on current board membership experience that includes Star Track Express Holdings and Sai Cheng, as well as being a former Chief Operating Officer of Australia Post.

The Victorian Coalition Government is committed to delivering the capacity required to accommodate future growth in container trade, and it is critical that this commitment is supported by having the right leadership in a well-rounded board to ensure this vision becomes a reality.

I wish to express my appreciation to the outgoing members of the Board, Jay Bonnington and Ian Robbins who have provided exceptional service to the Port of Melbourne Corporation.


Press Release, July 10, 2013