CEDA Webinar on Climate Change Adaptation Set for October

Business & Finance

CEDA Webinar on Climate Change Adaptation Set for October

The Central Dredging Association webinar, named Climate Change Adaptation as it Affects the Dredging Community, is scheduled for 2 October 2013, 2:00 pm Europe D.T (GMT +02:00).

The main presenter will be Pol Hakstege, Technical Manager, Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Netherlands, Chairman of the CEDA Working Group on Climate Change Adaptation.


Climate change is now a fact. In addition to trends for a steady rise in global temperature and associated sea level rise it is anticipated that there will be an increase in the frequency of extreme events like storms, surges, floods and droughts. These changing conditions may induce changes in erosion and sedimentation patterns, with potential consequences for dredging requirements, locations and volumes.

Webinar participants will learn about:

– the potential implications and adaptation measures for different types of environments, illustrated with case studie:

– the importance of dredging, the role of the dredging community and crucial factors for an adaptive and integrated approach.

More info


Press Release, August 16, 2013