USA: Great News for Menominee Marina Boaters

Business & Finance

Great News for Menominee Marina Boaters

The Menominee Marina dredging project is scheduled to commence in mid-October, according to

Record low water levels and the sediment on the marina bottom cause major problems for the boaters in this area.

To avoid these issues, the State of Michigan recently awarded the city of Menominee a waterways grant of $1.2 million which will be used for the cleanup project.

Regarding the marina shoaling, Menominee City Manager Michael Kramer stated: “Ninety percent of it is sand. And the other ten percent is organic material. We have seaweed and brush and things like that, that sink to the bottom. Those items will all be removed and will be stockpiled at a location that the city owns, property in the township.”

This very important cleanup program is expected to be wrapped up in December, and the results should last between 15 to 20 years, informs


Dredging Today Staff, August 21, 2013