UK: Great Future for Port Edgar Marina

Business & Finance

Great Future for Port Edgar Marina

The management and operation of the Port Edgar Marina is to be taken on by Port Edgar Holding Ltd following a decision by the City of Edinburgh Council to grant the company a thirty-year lease.

A report to both Economy and Finance & Budget Committee was approved by councillors this week and would see new management in place by April 2014.

Councillor Richard Lewis, the city’s Culture and Sport Convener, said: “This is a welcome step forward for the Port Edgar Marina and secures the future of this important sailing facility. We’re very much looking forward to working with Port Edgar Holding Ltd as the new lease holder and the Council will be working closely with them over the next few months to finalise the detail in advance of the handover.

Port Edgar Holding announced that they were planning to undertake dredging work, which should make the marina less dependent on the tides and be able to accommodate larger vessels, reports

Russell Aitken of Port Edgar Holding Ltd, said: “This is an exciting development for this much-loved marina and I’m delighted that we’ve been able to secure a lease which will ensure continued investment in this sailing facility. We’re grateful to the Council for granting us this lease. Now the work really begins to finalise the detail and get ready to take on the management next Spring.


Press Release, September 23, 2013