Portugal: SedNet Conference 2013 Approaches

Business & Finance

SedNet Conference 2013 Approaches

The 8th International SedNet Conference is scheduled for 6-9 November 2013, in Lisbon, Portugal.

The program consists of key-note presentations and parallel lecture sessions on:

• Sediments and ecosystems (and their services);

• Integrated sediment management;

• Sustainable dredged material management;

• Sediment quality and quantity issues;

• Interaction between fluvial, estuarine and coastal sediment.


Human interventions, such as river regulation, dredging, coastal and port construction and soil degradation often have large impacts on sediment supply, sediment transport and river and coastal morphology. Sediment-starved systems, particularly in coastal, lowland areas, are more vulnerable to extreme events, putting people, infrastructure and natural capital at risk. Mitigation measures may be technically feasible, but are quickly becoming too costly.

Sediment and biota in river systems have been exposed to multiple and interacting stressors for decades or even centuries. Europe has responded to the most apparent contaminants and pressures with a range of policies and measures since the 1970s. Clear improvements in water quality can be attributed to integrated river basin action plans and to the Programmes of Measures that resulted from the major and coordinated effort of the Water Framework Directive.

However, improvements in sediment and longer-lived or bottom feeding biota lag behind due to storage and accumulation of contaminants, costly and laborious monitoring techniques, and sometimes lack of sufficient legal integration of sediment management into legislation.

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Dredging Today Staff, October 11, 2013