USA: Officials Tour JAXPORT Facilities

Business & Finance

Officials Tour JAXPORT Facilities

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall II of West Virginia, ranking member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and member of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) Conference Committee, got a first-hand look at JAXPORT facilities yesterday as he toured with fellow Conferee Congresswoman Corrine Brown and CEO Brian Taylor.

The Congressman received an in-depth briefing on port growth projects critical to Northeast Florida’s economy, including Mile Point and Harbor Deepening.

Following the briefing and tour, Congressman Rahall praised the work of JAXPORT’s leadership, calling the port’s progress important to the economy and the national defense and expressing his support for congressional authorization of Jacksonville’s harbor projects.

“A picture really is worth a thousand words,” said CEO Brian Taylor. “I know that personally seeing the activity on our port and the number of people employed here on a regular basis makes the clear case for investment in our critical growth projects. I commend Congressman Rahall for using his valuable time to get an up-close look at our operation and I thank both he and Congresswoman Brown for continuing their efforts on Capitol Hill to get these projects done.”


Press Release, December 3, 2013