USA: JP33 Seeks Leases from USACE to Dredge Verdigris River

Business & Finance

JP33 Seeks Leases from USACE to Dredge Verdigris River

Johnston’s Port 33, Inc., (JP33) is seeking leases and easements from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under the authority of 10 U.S.C. § 2667 and 2668, respectively, to dredge two areas and fleet barges’ inside channels along the Verdigris River in Pool 18 of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, Rogers County, Oklahoma.

Barge traffic is planned to increase due to steady growth in the river transportation industry and additional barge fleeting space is needed to accommodate barge tonnage increases on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS). Navigation Pool 18 along the MKARNS has limited opportunity to meet this need.

To meet the additional need for barge fleeting space, Johnston’s Port 33 (JP33) proposes the following actions:

• Dredging of existing Cutoff 18-9 lease located on the right descending bank of the MKARNS at river mile (RM) 435.8 in Sections 9, 15, and 16 in Township 20 North, Range 16 East.

• Utilize a portion of an existing dredge material placement pond. Install a new berm within the existing pond area to create an approximate fifteen-acre (15 ac.) dredge spoil pond located immediately south of Cutoff 18-9 lease in Section 15, Township 20 North, Range 16 East. The new berm would be constructed to segment the existing dredge material holding pond, leaving the southern portion of the existing pond available for future use.

• Dredging of existing Cutoff 18-6 lease located on the left descending bank of the MKARNS at RM 432.6 in Section 28, Township 20 North, Range 16 East.

• Construction of a 15-acre dredge disposal pond on the island to the immediate west of Cutoff 18-6.

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Press Release, January 13, 2014