USA: Green Bay Receives EPA Great Lakes Shoreline Grant

Business & Finance

Green Bay Receives EPA Great Lakes Shoreline Grant

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the award of a $500,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant to the City of Green Bay, WI, to fund a green infrastructure project to improve water quality in Lake Michigan.

EPA Region 5 Administrator/Great Lakes National Program Manager Susan Hedman joined Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt and the Friends of Bay Beach at the historic Bay Beach Amusement Park to announce the grant.

The City of Green Bay is very grateful for EPA’s support. This grant is good for the environment, stormwater management and Bay Beach,” said Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt.

The Friends of Bay Beach is thrilled with this EPA grant. One of the goals of the FOBB is to jump-start the magnificent master plan,” said Al Jamir with the Friends of Bay Beach. “This grant moves us closer to seeing the long-range plan come to fruition while also incorporating green infrastructure to help improve the water quality of the Great Lakes.”


Press Release, February 28, 2014