Spain: “Harbour Approach Channels Design Guidelines”Introduced

Business & Finance

Harbour Approach Channels Design Guidelines

The report “Harbour Approach Channels Design Guidelines”, published by PIANC Working Group 121, was presented yesterday in Puertos del Estado headquarters, Madrid, Spain.

The presentation was done during a technical meeting organized by ATPyC (Spanish Section of the International Association of Navigation).

This report was explained by Jose R. Iribarren, Managing Director at Siport21, and Carlos Sanchidrian (Proes), the Spanish representatives in the working group.

It provides guidelines and recommendations for the design of vertical and horizontal dimensions of harbor approach channels and the manoeuvring and anchorage areas within harbours, together with operational limits within a channel. It includes guidelines for establishing depth and width requirements, along with vertical bridge clearances.

The new report replaces the joint PIANC-AIPH report “Approach Channels-A Guide for Design”, published in 1997, accepted worldwide by port designers.

The guide has been compiled in close co-operation with IAPH (International Association of Ports and Harbours), IMPA (International Maritime Pilots Association) and IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities).


Press Release, March 11, 2014