Funding Secured for Bau Island Seawall Project (Fiji)

Business & Finance

Funding Secured for Bau Island Seawall Project

The Fiji Government is committed to ensuring that communities affected by climate change and rising sea levels are protected. In line with the Government’s commitment, the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development has allocated $700,000 for the first stage of Bau Island seawall construction.

Villagers of Bau Island can now breathe a sigh of relief, thanks to this ongoing project carried out by the Commissioner Central’s Office in partnership with the Land and Water Resource Management Division of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Agriculture Ministry’s senior engineer Frank Alhambra said that work began at the seawall following a visit to Bau island by the Government officials in March last year.

He said that after inspection works it was decided that the construction of the seawall would be necessary to avoid further damages from erosion to the island caused by the rising sea levels.

Work commenced for the first stage of this project in November, 2013 and will be completed by the end of July, 2014,” Mr Alhambra said.

He added that the first stage is the construction of seawall covering 500 meters along the Bau coastline while the second stage will cover for another 200 meters in the same area. “The first phase of the project is estimated to cost about $626,456.46 while the second phase is $413,935.64 to fully complete the project.”

Land and Water Resource Management director Mr Colin Simmons said that once completed, the seawall will protect the village from coastal erosion, destructive wave action of the sea and sea level rise and would also enhance the living standard of the villages.


Press Release, June 24, 2014