Aqaba LNG: Successful Start of Marine Construction Works

Business & Finance

Successful Start of Marine Construction Works

BAM has successfully driven the first pile at the LNG jetty in Aqaba, Jordan. Together with its sister company BAM Contractors from Ireland and its Jordanian joint-venture partner MAG Engineering & Contracting Co. BAM International was awarded the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the LNG jetty in November 2013.

BAM Infraconsult is involved in the designing of the civil works. The project is proceeding as scheduled and the hand-over to Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) is expected in April 2015.

The scope of work for the new LNG jetty includes a 100 metres trestle on steel piles, a concrete off-loading platform of 20 x 20 metres, four mooring dolphins and two breasting dolphins. The project further comprises a 700 metres long gas pipeline to the shore tie-in point, as well as associated control equipment and instrumentation.

This is the third project for BAM in Aqaba. The joint venture has already successfully completed the New Port in Aqaba for the same client earlier this year and the extension of the Container Terminal for APMT and ADC in 2013.


Press Release, August 13, 2014