MassDEP Selects Geosyntec for Statewide WBPs

Business & Finance

MassDEP Selects Geosyntec for Statewide WBPs

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has selected Geosyntec Consultants to develop a web-based tool for statewide Watershed-Based Plans (WBPs).

Geosyntec will create an interactive web-based tool to help users develop WBPs that meet the nine elements required by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).

A completed WBP is a prerequisite for communities or local organizations that wish to apply for federal grant funding for watershed restoration projects under Section 319 of the federal Clean Water Act.

The project will be led by Robert Hartzel of Geosyntec’s office in Acton, Massachusetts.

Geosyntec’s web-based tool will provide the building blocks of a WBP for thousands of watersheds across Massachusetts instantly by simply selecting a watershed by name or clicking a location on a map.

The resulting maps, data, and analyses generated for the selected watershed will provide useful information for preparing a WBP, and for many other planning efforts at the state and local level.


Press Release, October 10, 2014