Lake Neatahwanta Project Waits for Funds

Business & Finance

Lake Neatahwanta Project Waits for Funds

Lake Neatahwanta dredging project could come to a complete hold as the lack of state promised funds is threatening to shut down the project.

Earlier in August, State Senator Patty Ritchie has announced she has secured $200,000 in special funding to help the City of Fulton and the Town of Granby in their work to dredge Lake Neatahwanta and ultimately make the body of water usable again. Half of that money was earmarked for the city of Fulton’s efforts and the other half for the town of Granby.

The Fulton Community Revitalization Corp. has already spent the original $100,000 grant money, removing around 10,000 cubic yards of sludge from the lake.

The full project is divided into six areas/grids that will be dredged separately. So far one grid has been completed and the second one is about to start soon.

For more than 25 years, the beaches surrounding Lake Neatahwanta have been closed to the public due to poor water quality resulting from excess sediment clogging the openings of natural springs.


October 13, 2014