Latam Caribbean Ports Summit Approaches

Business & Finance

The 2nd Latam Caribbean Ports and Logistics Summit will take place on January 28-29, 2015, in Panama Marriott Hotel, Panama.

The focus of the 2nd Latam Caribbean Ports and Logistics Summit is analyze ongoing and planned projects, as well as new public policies and the port industry’s strategies to increase logistics competitiveness, as well as debate the future of the Latin American and Caribbean ports and the transshipment business vs. the freight terminal business.

In the race to compete in a post-Panama Canal expansion world, the Latin American port sector is evolving through a new generation of ships and technological advancements to make sea freight more efficient.

Along with new bioceanic interconnection projects, billions of dollars are being invested to expand port capacity, with Mexico, Brazil and Chile playing a key role.

For example, between 2000 and 2006, the volume of commercial cargo in Mexico increased by 25 million tons (Mt), while in 2006-12 it grew by 31Mt to 283Mt. By 2018 the potential demand of commercial cargo (excluding oil) is set to increase by 64.5-104.3Mt.

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