Yangtze Estuary Maintenance Contract Awarded

Business & Finance

CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd. has won two engineering projects in Shanghai: channel maintenance of the Yangtze estuary in 2015 and mudflat enclosure at the rear of the Changxing submerged breakwater.

The project of channel maintenance of the Yangtze estuary in 2015 was divided into three lots, Lot A and two seasonal lots (Lot B and Lot C).

With maintenance quantities of some 36 million cubic meters of material, Lot A will be undertaken by the company and run from this month to December 2015.

After its completion, the project will ensure “the smoothness of the golden channel” at the Yangtze estuary and enhance Shanghai’s international competitiveness as an international shipping center. The project will also drive the economic development, upgrading the entire Yangtze River Delta and promoting the implementation of the strategies of rise of central China and west development.

The project of mudflat enclosure at the rear of the Changxing submerged breakwater is located at the southeast corner of Changxing Island, with a construction period of 981 days.

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Press Release