Larkspur Marina Applies for Dredging Permit

Business & Finance

The Larkspur Marina Financing Authority (LMFA) has, through its agent – W.B. Clausen Structural Engineers, applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, for a 10-year Permit to carry out maintenance dredging of accumulated sediment at the Larkspur Marina in Marin County, California.

The purpose of the proposed maintenance dredging is to return the Marina access channel and berthing areas totaling approximately 9 acres, to the originally permitted design depth, allowing safe navigational depths for recreational boats.

Plan calls for removal of approximately 50,000 cubic yards of sediment from the site in an initial episode and a total of approximately 120,000 cys over the life of the permit.

The decision on whether to issue the Permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the project and its intended use on the public interest.

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