Keating Announces $4.5M for Duxbury Dredging

Business & Finance

DC- Rep. Bill Keating announced yesterday that a $4.5 million funding from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be available for the much-needed dredging of Duxbury Harbor.

“I am thrilled we were able to secure this award,” said Rep. Keating.This is an example of a positive way the government can deliver when a committed group of people work hard.”

Duxbury Harbor is of great commercial importance to the region; however, the ability of fishermen and boat operators to enter and navigate the Harbor has been hindered in recent years as silt and sediment has continued to amass. These funds will ensure continued safe passage and navigation within the Harbor, as well as uninterrupted commercial and recreational activities.

The Town of Duxbury is extremely pleased to have received full funding of $4.5 million dollars which will allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to dredge the Federal channel,” said Duxbury Town Manager Rene’ Read. “The town extends our sincerest gratitude and deep appreciation to the towns’ team of individuals who contributed countless hours in helping make this project become a reality.