Toledo Harbor Dredging Plan up for Comment

Business & Finance

Ohio EPA will hold a public information session and hearing at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, to accept comments on a proposal for the annual dredging of the Toledo Harbor federal navigational channel.

In a related matter, Ohio EPA is also seeking public comments until February 9 on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ report “Influence of Open-Lake Placement of Dredged Material on Western Lake Erie Basin Harmful Algal Blooms” and the Corps’ position relative to open lake disposal of dredge material into Lake Erie.

The Corps report analyzes the potential contribution of open lake disposal of dredge material to nutrient availability and its relationship to harmful algal blooms in the western basin of Lake Erie.

Annual Dredging Application

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has submitted an application for a water quality certification for the project, which involves dredging the upper lake approach channel and lower end of the river channel near the river’s mouth. Dredged material would be disposed in the approved open lake disposal area located about 3.5 miles from the Toledo Harbor lighthouse. Dredging would not start before July 1 and would not occur during storm events.

During the February 18 information session, Ohio EPA representatives will present details about the proposed project. During the hearing, which follows the information session, the public can submit comments and questions for the record regarding the application.

Ohio EPA will accept written comments on the annual dredging application through February 25, 2015.

The meeting will take place at the Toledo City Council Chambers.

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