Oil Leak from Dredger at Storm Lake Marina

Business & Finance

It took cooperative efforts to contain and recover oil leaked from a dredger in the Storm Lake marina area Thursday, announced Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

City of Storm Lake staff discovered the leak about 7 a.m. About 10 to 20 gallons of vegetable-based hydraulic oil leaked from the dredger overnight. Workers shut off an under-water valve to stop the leak, which occurred during routine maintenance after winter storage.

The oil spread out creating a sheen on open water and along the shoreline near the docks. City staff and the Storm Lake Fire Department put out absorbent booms to contain and collect the oil. Neighboring fire departments and the Iowa Department of Transportation provided booms and absorbent pads.

The Buena Vista County Sheriff, sanitarian and emergency management assisted, working hard to protect walleye in a fish holding station.

DNR was on site for consultation and assistance. “Although the amount of oil was relatively small, it has a high biological oxygen demand which could kill fish and aquatic organisms,” said Julie Sievers, DNR environmental specialist.I don’t expect it to have a significant impact, because the oil was recovered so quickly.”

The DNR will continue to monitor the site.

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