Completion of TIGER Grant Work at Steelpointe

Business & Finance

Last Friday, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, and U.S. Congressman Jim Himes announced the completion of the Transportation Investment Generation Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant funded infrastructure work at Steelpointe Harbor.  

Developers are coming back to Bridgeport because they once again trust us to do the right thing. And, the state and federal government again are investing in our future, because they trust us to do the right thing,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “Look around. After years of broken promises, Bridgeport is in the midst of a major renaissance.

Steelpointe received over $11 million through a TIGER Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The funding, the largest federal grant Bridgeport had ever received, was instrumental for the construction and modernization of roadways around the Steel Point Peninsula to turn around an under-utilized brownfield site after decades of broken promises.

Also, the dredging work on the Bridgeport Harbor is now finally moving forward with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers developing the plan.

The project, which goes back 15 years, initially halted amid the corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Joseph P. Ganim, the former mayor who served seven years in prison, reported the Connecticut Post.

Once completed, Bridgeport Harbor, which has not been dredged since 1964, will bring in more commerce, more large employers, and more jobs to the city.

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