Dublin Port’s New Qualification System

Business & Finance

The Dublin Port Company is establishing a Qualification System for Civil/Marine Engineering Contractors so that tender competitions can be conducted (under a negotiated procedure) for the works projects in connection with the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR).

While the system is of indefinite duration the initial date for application in order to be considered for the 1st round of contracts is 12:00 on October 30, 2015.


The Qualification System will include but not be limited to the following elements of work:

  • (a) Alexandra Basin — Dismantling of infrastructure and removal of infill material; Quay wall refurbishment/construction (designed to accommodate future dredging to a level of -15.0 m CD); Installation of Ro-Ro ramps; Ro-Ro jetty construction; Dredging of basin and berths to -10.0 m Chart Datum (CD); Treatment of contaminated dredged material and reuse as infill on-site; Excavation and restoration of Graving Dock No 1; Infilling of Graving Dock No 2 with treated dredged material; Relocation of ore concentrates loading operations to Alexandra Quay West Extension; Development of cultural heritage interpretative space.
  • (b) Existing Berth 52/53 — Dismantling and removal of existing infrastructure; Infilling of existing Berth 52/53 with treated dredged material; Raising of existing surface levels by approx. 1.4m; Quay wall construction; Mooring jetty construction; Installation of Ro-Ro ramp.
  • (c) Navigation Channel — construction of surge protection/retaining wall at Poolbeg Marina.
  • (d) Treatment and Reuse of Material — The dredged material recovered from Alexandra Basin West will be treated and transported by barge to a treatment facility adjacent to Berth 52/53. It will be stabilized and modified to improve the engineering properties of the material, to allow its reuse as fill material for reclamation works identified within the Port.

DPC reserve the right to include additional ancillary works or enabling works as required to deliver the ABR Project.