CEDA Dredging Days Three Weeks Away

Business & Finance

CEDA Dredging Days 2015 conference and exhibition will run during the Europort week, taking place from 5-6 November 2015, at Ahoy Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

This year CEDA Dredging Days will take a comprehensive and practical look at Innovative Dredging Solutions for Ports.

The conference program, and accompanying technical exhibition, with its concentration of cutting-edge knowledge and practical application, perfectly complements Europort, one of the largest and most comprehensive maritime trade shows.

Carefully curated conference program

  • Keynote by Prof. Tiedo Vellinga on implementing sustainable design solutions in port development;
  • Featured CEDA presentation with key lessons on adaptive environmental management and related monitoring procedures for dredging projects;
  • Twenty-four peer reviewed papers from international specialists;
  • Seven fast-pace pitch talks in the dynamic Young CEDA session;
  • Debate on sustainability to find a common understanding of what it should mean for dredging.

Room for the River

The optional technical visit, on 4 November, will be to 3 of the 30 locations of the innovative Dutch Water Program ‘Room for the River’.

At  Munnikenland, Overdiep, and Noordwaard participants will hear about and see a number of ways of making room for the river to increase high water level protection such as multifunctional dikes, farmhouses rebuilt on constructed mounds (terps), depoldered areas.

Supporting young careers

Under the Student Program, CEDA sponsors and Young CEDA organizes the participation of over 30 students, who have shown great affinity with dredging technology within their studies.

Students, who are coming from a range of countries will be “looked after” by members of the Young CEDA commission making sure they will meet other students, young professionals and more senior members of the dredging community.

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