Ensurge Acquires NARIL

Business & Finance

Ensurge, Inc. (ESGI) has completed the acquisition of North American Resources Inc. Ltd. (NARIL).

NARIL, a Guyana mining company, has been conducting gold exploration and mining for over twenty years. The company currently operates two cutterhead dredges on the Konawaruk river.

In March of this year, ESGI announced that it had entered into an definitive agreement to acquire NARIL. Pending completion of the acquisition, the company has been managing NARIL’s operations, including supervising the process of refurbishing both cutterhead dredges to increase efficiency and production.

Clint Mishleau, the company’s CEO, said: “NARIL is one of Guyana’s oldest junior mining companies. The company’s acquisition of NARIL allows us to combine the best of both companies in a region that has a long history of rich gold deposits. And, with the refurbishment of both dredges reaching conclusion, NARIL’s production is expected to commence soon with greater efficiencies.

In addition to the river dredging operations through NARIL, the company is conducting two small exploratory pilot land operations in the Mazaruni river region of Guyana. One operation is in the Issano Creek area and the other is in the Semang area.