USACE Makes Progress on the Sea Gate Project

Business & Finance

Work continues in Sea Gate, Brooklyn, where the U.S. Army Corps of engineers, NY District, is constructing four T-groins to reduce erosion.

The work is mainly benefiting the larger Coney Island coastal-storm risk reduction project immediately east of the area that has been providing storm risk reduction and public recreational benefits since 1995.

Under the $25.2 million contract, the crews will use roughly 100,000 tons of stones, varying from small bedding stone to stones ranging upwards of eight tons, to construct the T-groins.

The project also includes the placement of roughly 125,000 cubic yards of sand, with sand coming from the Gravesend Bay side of Sea Gate as well as dredged from the Rockaway Inlet Federal Navigation Channel.

Sand placement work will take place during later stages of construction, pending progress on stonework portions of the project. Once completed, the stone and sheet pile groins will work to limit the erosion of sand on the beach.

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