CEDA’s Environment Commission Gets New Chair

Business & Finance

Since October last year, CEDA’s (Central Dredging Association) Environment Commission has a new chair.

Frederik Roose of the Maritime Access Division of the Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, Belgium succeeded Polite Laboyrie, Witteveen+Bos, the Netherlands, who has been chairing the CEC for 8 years and who moved on to CEDA President.

Frederik graduated as a bio-engineer in soil and water management and as a Master of Marine and Lacustrine Sciences, both at the University of Ghent.

Since 2006, he is working as a project coordinator in the Environment Team of the Maritime Access Division, a fitting match with the CEC.

New Chairman for CEDA EC
Frederik Roose

Frederik has been an active member of CEC since 2009. He has contributed to several CEDA Information Papers (e.g. on ecosystem services, monitoring procedures) and to the WODA Principles of sustainable dredging. For several years he also acted as a Young Professional liaison between the CEC and Young CEDA.

Since it was established in 1992, CEDA Environment Commission was upfront with new developments in dredging and marine construction.” said Frederik. “As new chair of the Environment Commission, it’s my aim to keep CEDA EC on this track and to address new challenges as they arise.”

When it comes to dealing with future societal challenges, Frederik believes that dredging can be part of the solution and, as such, dredging is a necessary tool for integrated management of coastal ecosystems.