Ohio EPA Invites Input on Cleveland Harbor Dredging

Business & Finance

Maintenance dredging in the Cuyahoga River federal navigation channel will be the focus of a March 10, 2016, Ohio EPA public meeting.

The information session and hearing will begin at 6 p.m. at Cleveland Metroparks’ Watershed Stewardship Center in Parma.

Ohio EPA is holding the meeting to accept comments concerning an application by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to dredge up to 375,000 cubic yards of material in Cleveland Harbor.

The applicant is requesting to open-lake dispose up to 180,000 cubic yards of the dredged material into Lake Erie. The remaining material would be disposed at existing confined disposal facilities located near the Burke Lakefront Airport. Ohio EPA also is evaluating alternative plans with less environmental impact.

In order for USACE to discharge dredged or fill material to waters of the State, it must first obtain a water quality certification from Ohio EPA. Ohio EPA’s review is to ensure the project will comply with Ohio’s water quality standards.

The proposed project may result in a change from the current water quality conditions of Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River, but cannot violate Ohio’s water quality standards that protect human health and the environment. Ohio EPA will consider the technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of the project before deciding to issue or deny a water quality certification.

During the March 10 information session, Ohio EPA representatives will present details about the proposed project. During the hearing, which follows the information session, the public can submit comments and questions for the record regarding the application.

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