Maguindanao Dredging Project Resumes

Business & Finance

Construction works on a flood-control project in Datu Salibo town in Maguindanao, which were halted due to security issues, have resumed over the weekend.

According to Lt. Col. Warlito Limet, commander of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion, the construction site has been cleared of improvised bomb left by elements of Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in the villages of Butalo and Tee, Datu Salibo town in Maguindanao.

Limet added that clearing of booby traps still continues in other areas but the dredging site has been completely cleared of bombs so construction works have resumed.

On Friday, dredging equipment – backhoes and dump trucks – was brought to the village of Butalo.

Members of Philippine Marines and Army Special Forces who have the expertise in water and land operation were deployed in Maguindanao marshland as perimeter defense of the dredging project.

Limet said that some of the displaced families have returned to their communities after the Army cleared the area of improvised bombs and hoisted a Philippine flag there.

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