SCHN Launches Europe’s First LNG-Powered Hopper Barge

Business & Finance

Dutch-based Shipyard Constructions Hoogezand Nieuwbouw (SCHN) last week held a launching ceremony for LNG-powered hopper barge “greenports 1”.

The vessel, presumably the first working vessel at a European seaport to be powered by eco-friendly LNG, was launched at SCHN yard in Foxhol, Groningen, on Thursday, 31 March 2016.

This modern hopper barge – coming with the price tag of EUR 4.9 million – has the length of 70.50 meters, width of 10.50 meters, draught of 2.90 meters and will join the fleet of the port management company bremenports during the second half of the year.

This is a big day for the ports of Bremerhaven and Bremen,” said Robert Howe, Technical Managing Director of bremenports, at the ceremony in Foxhol. “Both Bremen’s government and bremenports are banking on sustainable port operations which pay due attention to environmental protection. One of the targets of our greenports strategy is to reduce shipping emissions at local level.

Right now, the new-build vessel still bears very little resemblance to a ship. At the ceremony on Thursday, the hull went down the slipway without superstructures, engines or other equipment.

The gas-diesel-electric propulsion system still has to be tested by Sandfirden, the engine supplier, before it is installed. This will ensure optimum interaction of the power generators: two gas engines, one diesel engine, one battery unit consisting of ten individual blocks, the drive system and on-board electronic equipment.

The two tanks, each of which can hold six cubic meters of LNG, are currently being manufactured in Asia and are scheduled for installation in June. They will receive their first filling of LNG at the shipyard shortly afterwards.