WASA Backhoe Dredgers Busy in Port of Rauma

Business & Finance
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WASA photo

Dredging operations on the Port of Rauma entrance channel are in full swing now.

Upon completion of this project, undertaken in cooperation with the Finnish Transport Agency, the port will increase the maximum authorized draught of Rauma channel from 10 to 12 meters.

WASA Dredging, a Finnish marine offshore and inland water construction company, is the principal contractor appointed for the channel deepening project.

The company will use its dredgers Optimus, Boulder and Hector for this job.

“Backhoe dredgers Boulder and Optimus are currently working in different areas in Rauma. The first backhoe is blasting in the fairway while Optimus is performing environmental dredging,” Daniel Backlund of Wasa Dredging revealed exclusively for Dredging Today.

“The dredging operations include removing a large amount of contaminated soil from the seabed to the Rauman Biovoima plant for processing, after which the soil is kept separated from the sea area. Clean dredge spoils, on the other hand, will be deposited in dredge spoil basins,” added Seppo Paukkeri, Project Manager at the Finnish Transport Agency.

At the same time, Port of Rauma will expand the current container terminal by building more berths for container ships and a new storage area for containers. Destia Oy is the principal contractor appointed for the container terminal expansion project.

The work will be completed by the end of 2017.

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