Semeniuk Slough Dredging Contract Awarded

Business & Finance

The Newport Beach City Council has voted unanimously to approve a $1.6 million contract with Innovative Construction Solutions (ICS) for removal of 8.500 cubic yards of material from the saltwater marsh in West Newport, also known as the Semeniuk Slough.

The California Department of Transportation has agreed to contribute $500,000 to the dredging project, while the city will cover the remainder of the cost, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The material at the bottom of the waterway is more silt and mud than sand, so it cannot be used to replenish local beaches.

Instead, crews will have to dry it out and take it to a landfill, which drives up the cost of the project, according to Dave Webb, Public Works Director.

It is expected that the dredging operations will start in December and last through the spring.

The main goal of this cleanup scheme is to improve tidal flow and promote a healthier environment in the water.

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