VIDEO: Rauma Channel Deepening by WASA Dredging

Business & Finance

Port of Rauma (Rauman Satama) has just released a video update about the progress on the Rauma entrance channel deepening scheme.

WASA Dredging, a Finnish marine offshore and inland water construction company, is the principal contractor appointed for this dredging program.

Under the contract, the waterway will be deepened to 12 meters maximum authorized draught. The newly built basin will be used for dredged material disposal, Port of Rauma said.

“Thanks to the deeper channel and extended quays, the port will be able to accommodate larger vessels, whereby transport efficiency of the export and import industry is enhanced and transport emissions are reduced,” said Hannu Asumalahti, Managing Director of Port of Rauma Ltd.

“This will almost double the capacity of the container terminal and significantly improve the operational efficiency. Through these measures, the Port of Rauma responds to the development in global maritime markets, where larger vessel sizes and container freight are the dominant trend.”

The completion of this capital development project is set for the end of 2017, according to Port of Rauma.

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