Zeldin Appointed Co-Chair of Long Island Sound Caucus

Business & Finance

Congressman Lee Zeldin has been appointed co-chair of the Congressional Long Island Sound Caucus in the House of Representatives, which he served on during the 114th Congress.

The First Congressional District of New York contains over 55 miles of Long Island Sound shoreline, and in the 114th Congress Congressman Zeldin was the lead Republican sponsor of the Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Act (H.R. 2930).

Congressman Zeldin said: “Working on the Long Island Sound Caucus, I will continue my efforts in the 115th Congress to secure funding for our local waterways, including passage of critical legislation that ensures the Sound is protected and restored for generations to come by reauthorizing the Long Island Sound Study and other important water quality and shore restoration programs that oversee and coordinate federal, state and local activities related to the restoration of the Long Island Sound.”

“I’ll also continue fighting against proposals that would hurt our water quality and ecosystems, and pushing for the recycling and beneficial reuse of dredge material.”

Congressman Zeldin is replacing former Congressman Steve Israel as co-chair who recently retired from Congress. He will be serving alongside Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, who will be continuing on as the other co-chair.