Interview: Preparations for DT Conference in Advanced Stage

Business & Finance
Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen, Conference Manager

The preparations for the first ever Dredging Today Conference (DTC), which will offer a forward-looking agenda for the dredging industry, are in full swing now.

With just about three months left to DTC, Dredging Today took the opportunity to talk with Ms. Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen, Conference Manager, about the upcoming event.

DT: The first ever Dredging Today Conference 2017 (DTC 17) is set to take place in RAI Amsterdam on October 9 and 10, so tell us, in which phase of preparations are you at the moment?

Femke: We definitely had a good start with the preparation of our first Dredging Today Conference. At the moment we reached an advanced stage. The content of the program is definite and we already have a lot of confirmed speakers. A number of high level invitations are still pending and of course we are doing a lot of outreach to attract national and international delegates.

DT: Where did the idea come from to organize such an event and who’s standing behind the DTC 17?

Femke: Navingo is a media company firmly rooted in the maritime and offshore industries, with international events, online portals, magazines, and business guides.

For the dredging industry we have the Dredging Today news portal and the print and online Vessel Directory. We wanted to complete our cross-media platform by including an annual business event, just like we have with our Offshore WIND platform and Offshore Energy platform.

Image source: Van Oord

DT: The event will be held under the name ‘Changing Climate, Resilient Business’. This intriguing title brings us to the question about the conference topics?

We all know that the world in which the dredging industry operates, is changing. Climate change, global trade developments and shifts in the world’s energy mix are a few developments to mention.

Especially with regards to climate change, we all know about it in a high level way, but do you really understand its impact of climate change on your daily business? Or on your future business? With our conference we want to look beyond the horizon and offer delegates a forward-looking agenda with attention for business rather than technology.

So, key topics that we will address are climate change and climate adaptation and – important for future business – where effects of climate change will be felt most and what public funds are available to pay for solutions that can protect vulnerable regions.

We will also be discussing changes in client demands and with these in the role of dredging contractors. Questions that we want to discuss are what business strategies do we see emerging and ultimately – what makes the dredging industry future proof?

Image source: Royal IHC

DT: Is it too early to speak about the potential list of speakers for the conference?

No, it is definitely not too early to speak about a potential list of speakers. At the moment we are still approaching speakers, but we already have confirmed some speakers from inside and outside of industry – including Van Oord, USK MOST,  Royal HaskoningDHV, Port of Amsterdam, Royal IHC and Rabobank.

They will share their views and experiences on the Dredging Today Conference.

In the next weeks we will also update our speakers list on the website and also through other media channels like Social Media and our websites.

DT: Are you planning any surprises for the attendees?

Of course we want to surprise our conference attendees. We will not spoil the surprise so if you want to know, please join us on 9 & 10 October at Amsterdam RAI!

DT: Would you like to send a message to the visitors of DTC 17?

My message is: if you are interested in big picture discussions on the dredging business and the world around the industry, with speakers from around the world, then join us in Amsterdam for the first annual Dredging Today Conference on 9 and 10 October.

The conference is geared to C-level executives, managing directors, strategy directors, business development directors and all others interested in attending. We strive to make our event a valuable platform to meet, learn, and do business.

More information and registration on