Jan De Nul’s New Multipurpose Vessel Ready for the First Job

Business & Finance
Image source: JDN

Jan De Nul has just announced that, starting next week, their new multipurpose vessel Adhémar de Saint-Venant will be heading for its very first project – the EPCI Kriegers Flak Offshore Wind Farm Project in Denmark. 

According to their recent announcement, the Luxembourg based giant will be in charge of the design, construction, transport and installation of the Gravity Based Foundations (GBFs).

The GBFs will be constructed on a pontoon based along the REBO quay in the port of Ostend (Belgium) and towed to the Baltic Sea.

In Denmark, Jan De Nul’s backhoe dredger Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the fallpipe vessel Adhémar de Saint-Venant will take care of the excavation of the foundation pit and installation of the gravel bed.

Once the pontoon with GBFs arrives in Denmark, it will be immersed to offload the structures upon which the foundations will be installed onto the gravel bed. Finally, the GBFs will be ballasted and protected through scour installation by means of the Adhémar de Saint-Venant.

Dredger Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Image source: JDN