Port of Astoria Dredging Project up for Comment

Business & Finance

Te U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, has received an application from the Port of Astoria for the Army permit, proposing the maintenance dredging of the West Basin Marina in Clatsop County, Oregon. 

According to the applicant, the purpose of the project is to conduct maintenance dredging within the Port of Astoria West Marina moorage facility in order to maintain marina operability and longevity.

The West Basin Marina Maintenance Dredging project involves dredging up to 109,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediment from approximately 11.26 acres within the West Basin Marina over the course of 10 years in order to maintain the required moorage depth.

Up to 54,500 cubic yards of accumulated sediment would be dredged during the first year of the permit and up to 54,500 additional cubic yards would be dredged over the remaining 9 years of the requested 10 year permit.

The dredge depth would range from -6.0 to -17.0 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). The applicant would utilize a suction dredge operating from a floating barge while disposing of the dredged material in the flow lane of the Columbia River via a submerged pipe.

The Corps is soliciting comments on the proposed work in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed project. The deadline for sending comments is September 2, 2017.