Scilly Isles Harbor Project Wins Award

Business & Finance

An award-winning harbor improvement project successfully completed by Team Van Oord partner Kier, will be the subject of a presentation at the forthcoming ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017 Conference.

The St Mary harbor work has previously been the recipient of a ‘Gold’ Green Apple Environmental Award, and a CEEQUAL ‘Gold’ Outstanding Achievement Award.

The works consisted of a quay extension and widening to form a new 40m long quay and wave wall. The project future proofed the harbor for a proposed new passenger vessel and increased the capacity of the quay for both passengers and freight.

For the quay extension Kier proposed the construction of a modular caisson gravity structure as this required the use of less marine plant and yielded the best environmental outcome. This solution required minimal disruption of the seabed to secure the extension into position, with considerably less risk to program and improved safety of the workforce.

In the quay widening area high levels of contamination within the marine sediments were found, requiring a radical rethink of the construction methodology.

The project has also been awarded a CEEQUAL Gold Outstanding Achievement Award, in recognition of its drive towards sustainability in civil engineering and infrastructure in public spaces.