Robinson Preserve Wetlands Restoration Project up for Comment

Business & Finance

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council is seeking public comment on a proposal to amend its Initial (2015) Funded Priorities List to approve $1,790,546 in implementation funding for the Robinson Preserve Wetlands Restoration project sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

According to the council, these funds would be used to restore 118.2 acres of coastal habitat and restore more natural hydrology, along with related activities in Tampa Bay, Florida.

On August 30, 2017, the council issued a 30-day Federal Register notice on this proposed funding approval.

This notice includes additional information on the proposal, as well as how to submit comments to the council. The deadline for sending comments is September 29, 2017.

After considering all public input received during the comment period, the council will then determine whether to proceed to a vote on this funding proposal.